The Bride

Nicole - Maid of Honor ❤️

Bestie for over 10years. She’s beautiful intelligent and very inspiring. She helped the this bride grow in so many ways. Couldn’t even imagine this event or life at all without her. Love you Nicole 😘💕

The Groom

Jared - Best Man

What can be said about Jared? Can words really encapsulate the thing, neigh, the stupendous creature that we refer to as Jared? Is Jared his name at all? Questions that may take until the end of time itself to answer. The enigma of the Jared will most likely plague each guest leaving a deep sorrow of the longing to know that which is Jared. But, alas, we can say this for sure: Jared is as Jared does. And really is there anything more beautiful in the world than that? I think not.